(photo care of http://www.delight.com/)
Acorn iPod Speaker from Delight.com
Adorable. I’m pretty sure I don’t need to say anything more.
(Photo care of http://readmade.com/)
Keep Track of Your Cookbooks, Card Catalog Style from ReadyMade Magazine
Be still, my OCD heart.
(Photo care of http://punkyagogo.etsy.com)
Punky and GoGo on Etsy
Roller derby girls who embroider. How hot is that? (Also, this one kind of looks like me.)
(Photo care of http://tatertotsandjello.blogspot.com/)
Silhouette Giveaway from Tatertots and Jello
This baby cuts vinyl, fabric, and heat transfer material, and it plugs into your computer so you can work your own design magic. I would do a back flip (and let somebody capture it on video and put it on the internet) if I won this drawing. Think of the appliques! Think of the etching!