Tired of lackluster craft videos that don’t actually teach you anything? Have no fear! My pal Kim Werker and her project partner Ben Z Cooper are raising funds for an independent DIY webshow that you’ll actually want to watch (I know I do): Taco Hat TV!
From the Taco Hat TV indiegogo campaign:
Taco Hat TV is a web show for curious people and makers. Where most DIY (do it yourself) shows try to cram instructions on how to make a particular project into a ridiculously short segment, our show is about teaching you skills and know-how you can use however you want. Our not-so-short segments (that aren’t too long!) will be full of information that isn’t rushed. By focusing on the fundamentals of various kinds of skills, we’ll arm you (and ourselves, let’s be honest), with a solid foundation for getting started, and enough knowledge to figure out what questions to ask next.
Intrigued? Watch the video, check out the campaign, and join me in supporting some indie DIY goodness!
You can also show Taco Hat TV some love on Facebook and Twitter!