The cats have taken over the craft studio and springtime allergies have taken over my brain. (Ugh. Blooming trees sure are pretty and all, but COME ON. I’m ready to stop feeling like my face might fall off.)
Luckily, pretty much all I’m doing at the moment is cross-stitching, which requires relatively little movement and/or brain power. (Did you hear? I’m writing a cross-stitch book!) So, thus far, most screw up-related stitch removal and its accompanying creative swearing has been kept to a minimum.
Right now, I’m wrapping up a quiet Sunday and getting excited for the creative plans I have scheduled in the coming week. Tree pollen permitting, there’s a whole lot of fun in the works!
I hope you’re all getting ready to have a great week too! And, if you’re also on Team Ugh My Sinuses, try not to let those histamines get you down. xoxo