Thread Heaven: A magical thread and embroidery floss conditioner that is solely responsible for saving both my hands and my sanity. (With a how-to video!)
Happy Post: Pretty Embroidery Floss + Fancy New Website Design
Whew! It’s been a crazy few days filled with a whole lot of PHP and CSS (and very little sleep), but TZoM has finally moved to a new and much faster server and has also gotten a much-needed makeover. (If you’re reading this on a smartphone or tablet, hello! My new site layout was specifically …
Sunday Snapshot: Of Craft Studio Cats and Springtime Allergies
The cats have taken over the craft studio and springtime allergies have taken over my brain. (Ugh. Blooming trees sure are pretty and all, but COME ON. I’m ready to stop feeling like my face might fall off.) Luckily, pretty much all I’m doing at the moment is cross-stitching, which requires relatively little movement and/or …
Sunday Snapshot: My Lipstick Matches My Thread!
Oh, look! My lipstick matches my spool of thread! (They’re Gütermann thread in color 430 and Burt’s Bees lip crayon in Napa Vinyard, respectively.) Don’t you just love it when that happens?