Remember when I made that crocheted cat bed, and my cats absolutely fell in love? I revisited the project. But, with the most ridiculous yarn I could find!

Remember when I made that crocheted cat bed, and my cats absolutely fell in love? I revisited the project. But, with the most ridiculous yarn I could find!
It would seem that a stripy Pixel Cat has taken over my worktable.
Happy New Year from Tiny Cranky Haley and the cats! We hope your 2015 is filled with joy, creativity, and a minimum number of cat farts! ** Want to see new cartoons as they go up? Follow me on Instagram for your daily dose of Tiny Cranky Haley!
The first animated Tiny Cranky Haley ever! Every day, it’s knitting and cat farts. Every. Single. Day. (And sometimes in stereo, when Pixel Cat gets in on the action!) ** Want to see new cartoons as they go up? Follow me on Instagram for your daily dose of Tiny Cranky Haley! Note: Before anyone gets …