Yarn running amok? Tights looking rough? Great! Keep your balls of yarn tidy in the toes of a pair of (clean) old tights!

Fiber Tools
Yarn running amok? Tights looking rough? Great! Keep your balls of yarn tidy in the toes of a pair of (clean) old tights!
When I first started knitting, I made an embarrassingly large number of hats (and mittens and cowls) that I couldn’t even wear when they were finished because the openings didn’t stretch wide enough for me to actually put them on. For a while, I was convinced that I was an utter failure at knitting, because, …
Fiber crafter pals: If you’ve been following along on Instagram and Twitter, wondering what in the world I was doing all of those sticks and all of that yarn, the wait is finally over. I reviewed the new Clover Weaving Sticks sets on Craft Test Dummies!
Today, Jeremy and I made a giant size T (22mm) crochet hook by hand, and it was awesome.