Hello, friends! I made you a video tutorial all about organizing embroidery floss (because I'm a giant geek). Hooray!

Hello, friends! I made you a video tutorial all about organizing embroidery floss (because I'm a giant geek). Hooray!
Thread Heaven: A magical thread and embroidery floss conditioner that is solely responsible for saving both my hands and my sanity. (With a how-to video!)
There are few things in this world that I find quite as satisfying as a pristine new book of sewing needles. They’re just so lovely and neat that I almost don’t want to use them! *sigh*
When Jenny from Sublime Stitching sent me the new Sublime Floss™ collection this fall, I was beyond excited. When I opened the package and saw the rich, beautiful colors, visions of elaborate projects and pretty borders began immediately to dance through my head. Then life, the holidays, and multiple craft conferences happened, and suddenly it …