Oh, look! My lipstick matches my spool of thread! (They’re Gütermann thread in color 430 and Burt’s Bees lip crayon in Napa Vinyard, respectively.) Don’t you just love it when that happens?

Sunday Snapshot
Oh, look! My lipstick matches my spool of thread! (They’re Gütermann thread in color 430 and Burt’s Bees lip crayon in Napa Vinyard, respectively.) Don’t you just love it when that happens?
On Friday, my pal Rachel and I kicked off the first weekend of the new year with a tote bag-making party, and I stitched up this fancy canvas fox tote! (Okay, the fox fabric is fancy—the tote bag was actually ridiculously easy to sew.) I think it’s a pretty good sign for the coming year …
This week, I learned that, if you have a razor blade and some patience, you totally can dust for fingerprints with powder scraped from tailor’s chalk. (Actually, I used a razor-edge seam ripper, but same difference.) I also learned that I’m friends with exactly the right people, as none of them were even remotely surprised …
This week, Tiny Cranky Haley solved all of your sewing problems, then utterly failed at untangling some yarn. (You win some, you lose some.)