This week, Tiny Cranky Haley was, well, cranky. (And tragically lacking the bad paranormal reality television necessary for long hours of stitching.) Fringe problems.

This week, Tiny Cranky Haley was, well, cranky. (And tragically lacking the bad paranormal reality television necessary for long hours of stitching.) Fringe problems.
The Tiny Cranky Haley series. Because, turns out, the internet likes it when I post tiny cartoon drawings of me saying very cranky things. My Tiny Cranky Haley series began on Tuesday with an afternoon filled with irritations, a micron pen that hadn’t been put away properly, and the giant stack of blank notecards that …
I’ve got something fun to share with you guys tomorrow for Earth Day, so I moved my usual Sunday snapshot to Saturday this week! Inspired by a cartoon on a box of soy milk (we were a little bit obsessed), my crafty pal Christine from Delachic drew this awesome caricature of me and the cats, …