In case you were wondering what the real Frankie-the-cat looks like, here he is in all his awkward kitty-on-the-potty glory! My applique is a pretty good likeness, don’t you think?

In case you were wondering what the real Frankie-the-cat looks like, here he is in all his awkward kitty-on-the-potty glory! My applique is a pretty good likeness, don’t you think?
It’s Sunday, and Simon the Cat wants you all to remember to recycle! Simon takes paper recycling VERY seriously. He even recycles in his sleep. (Look closely, there’s a cat in there!) It was almost 90 degrees in NYC today, and the cats spent most of the afternoon sleeping in very strange places. I can’t …
Simon approves of my indoor catnip gardening.
Happy Earth Day from BK! Green it up a little, will ya? They want to make sure that their grand-cats still have some birds to harass and some catnip to munch!