We’re so darn organized around here, that even the cats are getting into the spirit! Our semiannual apartment purge is coming, and I’m ridiculously excited to get the exodus of clutter started! How are you getting ready for spring?

We’re so darn organized around here, that even the cats are getting into the spirit! Our semiannual apartment purge is coming, and I’m ridiculously excited to get the exodus of clutter started! How are you getting ready for spring?
Simon has been wearing the cone of shame for much longer than anticipated—my poor OCD cat absolutely refuses to leave the irritated spot on his belly alone. I wanted to give him a little time out of the cone, so I crocheted a cotton cozy for his belly. Sadly, he’s not nearly as excited about …
I’m back in Brooklyn, and just woke up from a much-needed nap to find these furry little monsters curled up behind my knees. Then, as though cat snuggles weren’t already enough, Jeremy brought me a homemade chocolate chip cookie, still warm from the oven. Yes, it’s good to be home. I can’t wait to get …
Due to a death in the family, I’m taking a short break from the blog to spend time with my loved ones in Michigan. While I’m gone, please enjoy this cat-in-a-box. You may recognize him from my cat applique bag.