Video: 20 Second Craft Studio Tour: Big creativity happens in my teeny tiny Brooklyn workspace!

Video: 20 Second Craft Studio Tour: Big creativity happens in my teeny tiny Brooklyn workspace!
I’ve been promising you guys a peek at my crafting studio for a while now, and I’m finally ready to give you the tour! Now, I know what you’re thinking—Holy cats, that’s small!—and you’re absolutely right. My full studio space measures a whopping 5′ x 6′. (City living is definitely not for the claustrophobic.) But, …
In the middle of the holiday crafting rush, I finally reached my disorganization threshold for my sewing and crafting supplies. (Admittedly, due to the OCD, that threshold is not high.) I was making so many things, and doing so many different types of projects at the same time, that I couldn’t find anything. I was …
The kitchen table: My real workspace. I live in NYC, so it should probably go without saying that I do not have a spectacularly spacious crafting area. But, if I did, here are a few things I would use to organize it. Foster Flat File Photo care of Flat files: traditionally for blueprints, but …