This week, Tiny Cranky Haley was, well, cranky. (And tragically lacking the bad paranormal reality television necessary for long hours of stitching.) Fringe problems.

This week, Tiny Cranky Haley was, well, cranky. (And tragically lacking the bad paranormal reality television necessary for long hours of stitching.) Fringe problems.
The Tiny Cranky Haley series. Because, turns out, the internet likes it when I post tiny cartoon drawings of me saying very cranky things. My Tiny Cranky Haley series began on Tuesday with an afternoon filled with irritations, a micron pen that hadn’t been put away properly, and the giant stack of blank notecards that …
I’ve always loved the look of DIY-related illustrations, especially the ones in yarn crafting and embroidery books. So, last week, on the heels of a couple of months packed with crochet projects, I decided to try my hand at drawing a single crochet stitch. It took a few versions to get it right, but, once …
I’m very (very) slowly learning how to draw. And, mostly the results have been pretty disastrous. Or really funny. Or both. But, every once in a while, the planets (or the hefeweizens) align, and one of my cat sketches actually ends up looking like a cat! (Hooray!) And so I carry on.